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Studs in Socks #19

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Screencap Recap #100

Greg Worthy vs Matt Houston (Wrestle Studs) Rory MacLeod vs Jonny Firestorm (BG East) Jesse Zane vs JJ Allen (Muscle Boy Wrestling) It took almost 7 years to finally reach my 100th recap post. It's a momentous occasion for me anyway. Thanks to all of you who have enjoyed my blog over the years. To celebrate the occasion, I've chosen Firth of Fifth by Genesis as my "song of the week". Most people know Genesis from their pop hits from the 80's and early 90's but are unaware of their progressive rock  albums of the 70's. To be honest, the lyrics have never resonated with me too much, but the instrumental parts are so strong it doesn't matter.  At 3:05 the instrumental break begins. At 4:42 you get an epic synth solo from Tony Banks, with strong support from bassist Mike Rutherford and drummer Phil Collins. At 5:44, guitarist Steve Hackett crafts a melodic solo that goes over 2 minutes. If you're a guitar fan, you'll definitely want to check that ...

Dallas Washington corners Dirty 'D' (Weekend Wrestling)

Around the midpoint of this match, Dirty D slumps in the corner, wide open to Dallas Washington's attack.   Dallas Washington vs Dirty 'D' Personally, I think Dirty D coveys vulnerability better than most of the WW roster. I wouldn't mind see D squashed by the like of Vangore, Mo Manson etc. Does anyone else have thoughts on this? 

Wrestlers in Green Trunks #3

  Beastyboy vs Evan Collins (88Wrestling) Bruno the Beast vs Steve Tanner (MBW) I Want a Piece of You! Kyle vs Aaron (UC) Jett Bentley vs Dash Decker: Flex City (88W) Wrestler Spotlight: Cameron Matthews - Cameron vs Jaxx O'Doul (BGEast)

Austyn is Dazed (Film 911)

  Johnny enjoys escort Austyn (Film 911)