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Ace Owens & Johnny Jobber vs Ronnie Pearl (W4H, 2018)

The last time Ace and Ronnie wrestled Ace was destroyed. Does Ace fare any better with Johnny Jobber as his partner?


The video begins with Johnny in the ring. Johnny's a rookie wrestler and is excited to team up and train with Ace.

Johnny and Ace got in a bit of a training before Ronnie rolls in and immediately dominates both guys with big slams and suplexes.

Within a few minutes, it's clear the boys in white are no match for Ronnie.

How humiliating for Ace! Even with a partner, he's unable to beat Ronnie. In fact, he takes even more of a beating. Ace and Johnny always look great being squashed and Ronnie delivers as the unstoppable heel.

You can find this video at Wrestler4Hire.


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