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The 850th Post: Peachy Boys (Revised)

*Scroll to the bottom for a story.

Taylor Reign

IG @chrissworld_

The model also known as "Ethan"

IG @davee_cz

Dusty Lachowicz

Will Hutcheson
Felix Fox

Alex Grant

I used to be a fan of Alex Grant (pictured above). I had just recently found out he'd blocked me on Instagram. I'm not sure why, I've never had any interaction with him besides liking his posts. (I never commented on his posts either.) If he'd come across this image here and wanted me to delete it, I would have.

There's several other people who've blocked me on IG. For example, this person who went by the name "The Best Jobbers", demanded I share videos with him. He didn't even bother asking me nicely! Of course, I wasn't going do that, so he blocked me.

Recently, I tried to share a link to my blog on my IG story and within 5 minutes my story was reported. Can you blame me for thinking someone in this community is out to get me?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment. Personally, I feel like I've refined my style since day 1, especially my writing.
      Keep up the good work with your blog. All the best to you this holiday season.


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