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Dallas Washington corners Dirty 'D' (Weekend Wrestling)

Around the midpoint of this match, Dirty D slumps in the corner, wide open to Dallas Washington's attack.  

Dallas Washington vs Dirty 'D'

Personally, I think Dirty D coveys vulnerability better than most of the WW roster. I wouldn't mind see D squashed by the like of Vangore, Mo Manson etc. Does anyone else have thoughts on this? 


  1. I don't believe I've ever seen Dirty D as the Babyface in Peril but I like what I see here. And I'm a sucker for white trunks so I will be looking for that match -- thanks for the heads up.

    1. Thanks WA. By the way, D was known as Bobby Horton at BG East. He took a beating in several of those matches.

    2. Unfortunately, you wouldn't begin to recognize DD in that Bobby Horton, who appeared as a long-haired twink. MUCH better now that he's beefed up into a MAN!! :-)


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