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Cody Everett vs Rex Bedford (88W)

Cody Everett is the newest hot rookie to come through 88 Wrestling, but he faces a major test when he takes on the reigning King, Rex Bedford.

Cody is cocky and confident but Rex puts him through the wringer right away.

Cody shows us he's not just a pretty boy, he can wrestle too.

Regardless of the outcome, it seems like 88 Wrestling is on to a winner with Cody Everett.


  1. Cody's cocky attitude in the first pic is real hot. I like his expression in the fourth pic where his pretty boy abs are getting stepped on. He looks so helpless as though he's pleading for mercy ;)

    1. Thanks, Ezekiel. I take a lot of screen caps and the most dramatic ones are the ones I upload. I was very impressed by Cody's selling. Some rookies struggle with it but he seems like a natural.

  2. This match seems to be interesting really. I'm considering buying it but I have a question, does this match include suplexes ? I hope so .

    1. Hi Tito, both wrestlers get suplexed in this match. Rex actually does a couple, if I remember correctly.


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