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Spencer Hawkins vs Joey McCoy (MBW, 2019)

Young indy pros Spencer and Joey have an intense match on the mats at Muscleboy Wrestling.

Spencer and Joey showed they're good guys by shaking hands before the match. The boys started with classic pro wrestling and counters, gradually increasing their speed and intensity within a few minutes.

Spencer had a short rally with back torture but Joey's able to come back.

Spencer and Joey tried to tear each other in half with torture racks.

The sweat poured off of Spencer as Joey tortured his leg and back.

Can Spencer hang on and fight back or does Joey break him?

Both guys were very good and gave a pro level performance. From an action standpoint, this was the best Muscleboy match I've reviewed so far.

This is the first time I've seen Spencer and I was very impressed, he's as skilled as he is cute. I really liked how Spencer's red trunks and socks stood out against his pasty skin. I'd like to see how both guys match up against some of MBW's bigger wrestlers like Bruno or Nick Flex.


  1. Not sure about Bruno or Flex, but McCoy has gone up against the much thicker Dax Carter and the much taller Brendan Byers.


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