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Photo of the Day / Ask Me Anything

Bobby Horton vs Jonny Firestorm from BG's Bad Boys 2 (BG East)

I'm still here, I hope everyone is well. One of the things I've been seeking is more engagement from the blog viewers, so I've decided to do a Q and A. If I get a good response, I might consider blogging again. I'll start off with a question.

Q: If you're such a big wrestling fan, why haven't you become a wrestler yourself?

A: When I was 18, I suffered neck and shoulder injuries. It was then that I realized perusing a career where falling on your back, neck and shoulders wouldn't be a good idea. Also, I wasn't a fan of the new school video game style of wrestling that has become more and more prevalent. That said, I'm sure I could handle a handful of matches here and there and still dream of shooting an underground wrestling video.

I've tried and failed to get into BG East several times over the years. I will try again elsewhere once all this COVID-19 bullshit is over!


  1. Any plans to do more interviews?

    1. Thanks Anon for the question. Yes, I would like to do more interviews.
      My interview with Cameron is still ongoing. I've sent him my second series of questions, it's up to him to respond.


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