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Photo of the Day / Thoughts on Underground Wrestling Trailers

Sean Maygers vs Ian Greene from Muscleboy Wrestling

Personally, I'm not a fan of music in underground wrestling trailers. It seems like many of the companies use background music in their trailers, such as Thunders, Underground Wrestler, Muscleboy etc.

Part of the appeal of underground wrestling is hearing the wrestlers up close in action. It's harder for me to decide what match to choose when the action is drowned out by music.

Just some feedback in case anyone's interested. Does anyone else have thoughts? Feel free to comment.


  1. Due to horrible announcers from televised wrestling (Michael Cole comes to mind), I'm pretty much conditioned to watch wrestling on Mute while I play music in the background anyway. :)

    1. I agree mainstream wrestling commentary can be painful and worth muting.
      If you mute underground wrestling, you're missing out though. In trailers, the action is what sells the product, so why put music over it?


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