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Matt Miller vs Tanner Hill (88W, 2020)

 Tanner Hill punishes burly rookie Matt in this video from 88 Wrestling.

According to the 88W website, this was the first meeting between Tanner and Matt. Tanner was looking for a tag partner and he wanted to see what Matt was made of. Matt gets the early advantage but Tanner quickly turns it around and takes pleasure in stretching the rookie.

Matt shows his resilience, coming back after taking a beating.

Does youth triumph over experience?

I was pleasantly surprised by this match. The action moved at a good pace and Tanner showed a more confident, aggressive side. Matt's cute and vulnerable but he showed good potential too. The ending was particularly hot and satisfying. Mikey at KSW also reviewed and enjoyed this match.

*The producer at 88 Wrestling requested I only upload a limited amount of photos for each blog post, so that's why my 88 Wrestling posts are shorter than others.


  1. Question about the request from the producer; what would happen if you didn't do what they asked? It's not like they can sue, arrest, or have you fined. You gotta strong arm them if they're asking for the favor.

    1. I see your point but I would rather not strain that relationship.


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