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Nathan with Dr. Smith (Film 911)

Detective Nathan Johnson comes looking for Dr. Smith, but will he be able to escape?

Nathan arrives at Dr. Smith's house and opens the door. Nathan calls out to Dr. Smith but no one answers.

Nathan enters the house but a piercing noise overpowers him. (Apparently he's a superhero or someone who can hear really high frequencies.) Nathan can't open the door and slumps to the ground unconscious.

original video

WR's edit.

Nathan wakes up in a chair with his hands and ankles duct taped. He tries to break out but Dr. Smith is close behind.

Dr. Smith subdues Nathan with a chloroform rag and takes him to the bedroom.

We fade in to see Nathan strapped down to the bed. Dr. Smith comes in and places headphones on Nathan. The product description tells us Nathan is being "reprogrammed".

Nathan goes to sleep again and we get a nice shot of Nathan spread out on the bed. For some reason, he twitches every few seconds.

WR's edit

original video

Dr. Smith worships Nathan's feet a little before he wakes up and starts to resist. Dr. S chokes out Nathan and then brings him back again.

Cut to the Doctor's office. Nathan is lying on the gurney but now he's not resisting. Dr. Smith says he's going to do some breath control experiments.

Nathan allows Dr. S to restrain his hands but he quickly regrets it.

This isn't a custom video, Dr. Smith came up with this himself. It seems like Dr. S looked back on his previous scripts and tried to throw in as many of tropes as possible into one video.

If you're and a fan of this genre of videos, you'll probably enjoy this one. Nathan's appealing look and committed performance made this video well worth checking out.


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