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Showing posts from 2022

Jett Bentley splits Chase Lundquist (88Wrestling)

  Jett Bentley vs Chase Lundquist: Flex City (88W) This match is the current sale match at 88Wrestling. You'll be hard pressed to find two more aesthetically pleasing wrestlers than these two. I don't know this for sure, but I'm hopeful we'll see some new matches and wrestlers from 88Wrestling in 2023.

BG East Arena's Sale

If you've been on the fence about joining the BG East Arena or have let your membership lapse, now's the perfect time to join. Until midnight December 29, 2022 (US E.S.T.), Arena membership will be 40% off. BG East also has a 10% off DVD's if you're not interested in owning to the cloud. Below are just a few matches that I've yet to review. Are there any you'd like me to review? Nathan FX vs Kayden Keller Austin Cooper vs Cybertron Atilla Dynasty vs Rex Braddock (Jaxton Wheeler) Kirk Donahue vs Ace Aarons Kirk Donahue vs Brute Baynard Austin Cooper vs Biff Farrell Carson Crawford vs Ty Alexander Tommie Hawk vs Carson Crawford

Help Joey McCoy with Weekend Wrestling

Last month. I spoke about how Thunders Arena helped support Joey McCoy with his medical expenses for brain surgery.  This month, Weekend Wrestling has launched a campaign of their own. 50% of all rentals or purchases of Joey's videos will be donated to him. Weekend Wrestling is also offering a bundle of all 7 of Joey's released matches at a 25% discount. As of now, I own 3 of Joey matches, pictured below. Elite Eliot vs Joey McCoy Zach Reno vs Joey The Handsome Strangler vs Joey Do any of these matches interest you?

Danny with Dr. Smith part 3 (Film 911)

 Lanky model Danny is in for a shocking time in this video from Film 911. The video begins with Danny knocking at Dr. Smith's door. Danny's car has broken down and he needs to use the phone.  Dr. S lets Danny in, but attacks Danny before he can even use the phone. Of course, Danny succumbs to Dr. Smith's attack and ends up on the gurney in the doctor's office. Danny wakes up and tries to get up but Dr. S neutralizes him with a zap from the defibrillator. Danny passes out again but Dr. S wants to keep him alive for more punishment. In the second segment, Danny is tilted up on the gurney but he's still too weak to escape.  Dr. S continues his defib torture which has Danny whimpering in pain. Sock fans may especially enjoy this video. Danny's feet are often prominently in frame. Through the end of Dec. 25, 2022 (US P.S.T.), this video will be a part of a bundle of 6 of Danny's videos (including Danny with Dr. Smith part 5 ) for $40.

Scrappy's Video Sale (Wrestler4Hire)

Today, all of Scrappy's videos are 60% off on the Wrestler4Hire site .  All of the matches pictured below I haven't reviewed yet. Do any stand out to you? Scrappy vs Cameron Drew Harper vs Scrappy Mack Rodemeyer vs Scrappy Scrappy vs Seth Jackson The Ripper vs Kidd USA: Hero Hunks Scrappy vs Calvin Rogers Scrappy vs Max Ryder

Chase Lundquist vs Ethan Andrews: ABSolute Destruction (88W)

 Chase's perfect model abs take a pounding in this match from 88Wrestling. The guys immediately tie up. Chase surprises Ethan with a Full Nelson and takes control in the opening minutes. Chase's laid back attitude costs him the advantage. As soon as Ethan has an opening, he hones in on Chase's abs. Ethan executes one of the most satisfying ab stretches in recent years. Can Chase take the pain? Has he ever looked better? As of now, this is the current sale video at 88Wrestling, although I expect that will change soon.

Ronnie Pearl headlocks Ace Owens (Wrestler4Hire)

Ronnie Pearl vs Ace Owens: Knocked Out (Wrestler4Hire) A tweet from Cameron inspired me to make this post. He claimed this match was "SEVERELY under-rated." Perhaps this video hasn't sold as well as other ones but it's not from a lack of blogger support. I have blogged about this match , as has Joe at Ringside at Skull Island and Wrestling Arsenal . Honestly, Wrestling Arsenal has the definitive blog post about this match. He takes images and quotes from the two other blogs and adds his own detailed review. Personally, I still consider this one of Wrestler4Hire's all-time best matches.

Austin Cooper pins Tanner Hill (RHW)

  Austin vs Tanner Hill (Rock Hard Wrestling, Catalog 25) At the time, Austin Cooper was the reigning RHW champion (or King of the Ring). Tanner refused to pay respect to Austin and called him a princess. Austin responded by immediately taking Tanner down and pinning him. Austin's wrestling lesson was far from over.