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BG East Arena's Sale

If you've been on the fence about joining the BG East Arena or have let your membership lapse, now's the perfect time to join.

Until midnight December 29, 2022 (US E.S.T.), Arena membership will be 40% off.

BG East also has a 10% off DVD's if you're not interested in owning to the cloud.

Below are just a few matches that I've yet to review. Are there any you'd like me to review?

Nathan FX vs Kayden Keller

Austin Cooper vs Cybertron

Atilla Dynasty vs Rex Braddock (Jaxton Wheeler)

Kirk Donahue vs Ace Aarons

Kirk Donahue vs Brute Baynard

Austin Cooper vs Biff Farrell

Carson Crawford vs Ty Alexander

Tommie Hawk vs Carson Crawford


  1. Nathan FX vs Kayden Keller because there is a crowd!

    1. Actually this one was my personal favorite, partly due to the crowd. Thanks for commenting.


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