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Nathan FX vs Kayden Keller / Color Correction #8* (BG East)

* I decided I wasn't satisfied with the presentation of the original video and chose to revise it. Let me know if you have any thoughts.

All-American pretty boy Nathan FX gets crushed by Kayden Keller in this match from BG East.

WR's edit

original video

This match appears on Wrestlefest 4. All matches in the Wrestlefest series are performed in front of a small crowd. 

The crowd is divided into a heel and babyface section. The heels are Kirk Donahue, Ash DeLeon & Freddie Campbell (all of whom could easily pass as babyfaces). The babyfaces are Dio Characi, Forrest Taylor, Sunny DeLeon, Rocky Sparks and another wrestler I'm unfamiliar with.

Heel Kayden came out to boos from the babyface section and cheers from the heels. I've always thought Kayden would make a good babyface, but I must admit he looks good in all-black attire.

Forrest Taylor flips off Kayden and boos vociferously. BTW, who is wrestler 3?

Nathan came out to cheers from the babyfaces and boos from the heels. Nathan stripped off his shorts and posed for the babyface section, oblivious to Kayden who was waiting close behind.

A swift boot to the gut, followed by a DDT left Nathan badly dazed.

Kayden could've probably scored the pin right there but he wouldn't let Nathan off that easily.

original video

WR's edit

Over the next few minutes, Kayden methodically punished Nathan, who showed no signs of recovering. 

Suddenly, Nathan sprung to life.  He snatched a charging Kayden in a headscissor. Is Nathan's American Dream still alive?

Not if Kayden can help it.

WR's edit

original video

Kayden did a fine job of carrying the action and keeping the audience engaged. Nathan really sold his beating well. Both of these elements, along with the audience interaction, made this a classic squash match. Fellow blogger Bard also reviewed and enjoyed this match.

*Wrestlefest 4 won Best Overall Product for 2022.


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