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Birthday Bash: T-World vs JC Extreme (UKWH)

It's JC Extreme's party, but T-World's the one crying out in pain, in this video from UK Wrestling Hub.

JC is in the ring with his cake and hat, calling his friends to come over and celebrate his birthday, but no one is answering. 

Suddenly, T-World walks in, cocky as usual. He makes a few snarky comments at JC's expense and then turns his back on JC.

A quick low bow, followed by a slam and a long bow and arrow stretch sap the strength out of T-World.

WR's edit

original video

JC follows up with a long, torturous backbreaker.

WR's edit

original video

A cobra clutch almost puts T-World out, but JC isn't finished yet.

T-World tries to bribe JC with the promise of a present but JC isn't buying it.

T-World's suffering has only just begun. It's safe to say, someone's leaving with cake on his face. 


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