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Dirty D bearhugs Travis Maverick + 5th Year Anniversary


Dirty 'D' vs Travis Maverick (Weekend Wrestling)

Who wouldn't want to hold Travis Maverick close like Dirty D? This is a dream scenario come true. In my opinion, it doesn't get much hotter than this. See my original review here.


5th Year Anniversary

This blog reached its 5th anniversary this past Sunday, the 11th. As of now, I've uploaded over 11,000 photos. By now, there's some doubles, but I think the vast majority are unique.

Thanks to everyone who's checked out the blog over the years. Thanks to Alex Miller, Mr. Wrestling Arsenal and Joe at Ringside for helping me launch my blog in the early days.

Thanks to 88Wrestling for providing me several videos over the years. I hope it's not the end of the road.

Thanks to Cameron at Wrestler4Hire for plugging my blog on social media and yes, I've gotten a couple videos from him too.

Thanks to all the other underground wrestling and adjacent fetish creators for inspiring me over the years. Without you, I'd have nothing to blog about.

Is this the end for me? No. But I'm really struggling to stay motivated to keep going these days. I imagine I will just keep blogging erratically for now.

My underground wrestling dream isn't over. I imagine there's some who would write me off, but I still hope to make a more substantial impact on the scene someday. Maybe even onscreen.


  1. Here's hoping you re-find your motivation and inspiration. Your blog is always worth visiting, which I do daily. Keep up the good work and remember that most people don't bother to pass along praise and appreciation. But that doesn't mean they don't feel it. Keep going. Lots of us are behind you.

    1. Thanks, Dr. L for your support.
      James Taylor once sang, "Shower the people you love with love, show them the way you feel."
      I subscribe to that notion.

    2. Not saying that you love "me" but you probably love the blog.

  2. You have a great blog. Keep up the good work as you do it well.


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