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Jakob Rawley vs Kirk Donahue (BG East)

Rugged Jakob Rawley is given a tough introduction to the ring by his cousin Kirk Donahue, in this video from BG East.

Jakob Rawley vs Kirk Donahue: Hunkbash 30

Jakob walks in and thinks he's going to form a tag team with his cousin. Kirk wants Jakob to prove himself first.

Jakob shows his strength by pushing Kirk to a corner with a lock up.

Jakob surprises Kirk in the corner with a quick side kick.

 There's some basic back and forth action between the guys in the early minutes.

Kirk offers a truce with Jakob.

Jakob naively goes to shake Kirk's hand and gets kicked in the gut.

 The intensity flares as the guys pummel each other in the corner.

Jakob holds his own for a while, but Kirk's superior skills give him the advantage.

Kirk has proven himself to be one of the top stars in BG East and in this match he shows even more of his pro skills than usual. Even though Jakob is a rookie, I thought he did a very respectable job. I hope to see more of him.

It seems like some people might take issue with Jakob's beard. Bard of the Neverland blog said, "It looks like a wild animal is eating his face."
Personally, I don't mind the beard. Yes, it's a bit long, but it suits his rugged look. Perhaps Jakob could put up his beard in a Hair vs. Hair match someday.


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