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Match of the Day 8: Evan Karagias vs Mike Enos (WCW, 1999)

Lean, pretty boy Evan is seemingly mismatched against the beefy vet Mike Enos.

Evan comes to the ring dressed like a member of any late 90's boy band. Ironically, that would become Evan's gimmick in 2000.

Evan gets off to a fast start knocking Mike to the floor and attempting a springboard cross body.

Massive Mike catches Evan, slings him over his shoulder like a child and throws him into the ring.

The crowd isn't invested in the match and chants for Sid. Sid's gimmick at the time was to attack people mid-match without warning. Mike stops and glares at the crowd when he has Evan reeling.

Evan shows a little fight but Mike stops him with a huge Powerbomb, which again reminds the crowd of Sid.

Mike seems to be close to finishing Evan when Vampiro and ICP make their way to the ring. Tony Schiavone says they've appeared "for the third time tonight."  That's two times too many in my view.

Can Evan take advantage of their interference? See the full match below.


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