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Denny Cartier vs Bulldog Barzini (BGE, 2005)

Cute, French - Canadian amateur wrestler Denny steps into the ring against bodybuilder Bulldog in this match from BG East.

Denny used his speed and skills to control Bulldog, eventually winning the first fall with a victory roll. Bulldog had his hand on the bottom rope but Denny claims the win.

Bulldog shows Denny some posing techniques and lets Denny try for himself. It's just a trick, Bulldog snatches Denny in a Full Nelson. In an instant, Denny's ecstasy turns to agony.

Bulldog jerks and swings Denny around like a rag doll.

The pain is too much for Denny, he slumps to the mat, nearly unconscious.

Bulldog wants to punish Denny some more and hoists him into a reverse bearhug.

Suddenly, Denny finds the strength to break Bulldog's grip and uses amateur techniques to take down Bulldog. He tries to pin Bulldog several times, but he's too strong to keep down.

Denny changes tactics and goes for a dropkick. Bulldog avoids it and Denny crashes to the mat face first. Bulldog follows up with a bulldog headlock which knocks Denny out cold.

Bulldog hooks the leg and makes a slow, satisfying 3 count.

When the third fall begins Bulldog shows Denny no mercy and immediately applies a long, crushing bearhug. Denny cries out in pain, but he never gives up, frustrating the Bulldog.

Can Denny find a way to come back, or is Bulldog's power too much for him? You can find out here. Both guys give their all in this match and it's one of my all time favorites from BG East.


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