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Tanner Hill vs Sasha Savvin (88W, 2017)

Tanner Hill in my view, has one of the hottest bodies on the underground scene. His opponent, teenage fitness model Sasha, would also be near the top of the list. This match from 88 Wrestling not only delivers eye candy, but good action.

Tanner gets off to a quick start, taking Sasha down and applying an armbar.

Tanner follows up with a Boston Crab.

Tanner gets a bit cocky, pressing his boot against Sasha's face.

Sasha is able to take control with a variety of stretches.

Sasha gets a submission to win the first fall and continues to dominate the second fall with a bearhug.

Sasha is relentless in his attack and isn't afraid to fight dirty.

 Tanner is able to find an opening and stretches Sasha with a camel clutch.

 Tanner ends up winning the second round with a classic move, one of Doink The Clown's old finishers, the Stump Puller.

Who is victorious in the end, Tanner or Sasha?


  1. Tanner Flexing over his opponent ? Delicious !! EVERY inch of his Incredible body...especially his Biceps....DELECTABLE !!

  2. Yes, I agree 100%. I hope Tanner and Sasha come back and continue to grow as wrestlers. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Tanner is so boring, there's no substance behind that chiseled body of his. It's like 88Wrestling is trying to fool us into thinking he's a big deal. Guys like Austin, Chad, Dash and Rex stand out because they have charisma and personality. They don't just have muscles, they have a way of interacting with their opponent that entices the viewer to keep watching. The way they sell pain, arrogance, struggle, etc is what has me buying their matches. Tanner is just a as plain as the overpriced, white T-shirts they sell at the mall; cool to look at but nothing special after you buy it.

    1. I see your point. Tanner still needs to work on his selling/personality. He has improved since his first matches so I'm hopeful he'll step that up if he comes back. Thanks for commenting.


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