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Taylor Reign vs Jesse Zane (MBW, 2018)

Porn star turned wrestler Taylor tries to show his skills against the vet Jesse in this match from Muscleboy Wrestling.

Taylor is in the ring posing when Jesse enters. After some small talk, they agree to wrestle. Jesse says Taylor looks like he's "ready for a squash" in those super tight denim print trunks.

Jesse takes control, pounding Taylor with forearms and stretching his back on the ropes.

Taylor shows he's not a pushover and offers some resistance.

Jesse one-ups Taylor by doing the same moves better.

Jesse's skills prove to be too much for Taylor.

A tombstone puts Taylor down for the count and Jesse uses a crotch splitting pin to emphasize his dominance over Taylor.

After the match is over the boys show their true feelings and Taylor comes out on top.

Out of the Muscleboy matches I reviewed so far, this may be the hottest. It delivers in both the wrestling and erotic aspects and is well worth checking out.


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