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Cameron Matthews vs Brad Rochelle (BGE, 2005)

Cameron Matthews made a big splash with his underground wrestling debut at BG East.

This video is the 5th part of the 10 part Contract series. Brad Rochelle has a contract to wrestle whomever Kid Leopard chooses. In the previous Contact video, Brad had a tough match vs. The Enforcer. As a way to make amends, Kid Leopard gives Brad an easier opponent in rookie Cameron Matthews.

Cameron is in the ring stretching for a couple minutes before Brad enters. The stretching scene is hot by itself.  Brad was given some skimpy trunks to wear in this match. When Brad takes off his shorts, Cameron's startled look is genuine.

After a short feeling out process, the action heats up. Brad seems to test Cameron's toughness by stretching him in painful submission holds.

Even at a young age, Cameron had a good arsenal of submissions himself.

A nasty double armbar turns the tide in Brad's favor.

Brad wears Cameron down with big slams and power moves.

Brad thinks he has Cameron defeated at the 40 minute mark, but Cameron says he's not done yet. Does Cameron make Brad taste defeat yet again?

This epic 50 plus minute match, along a collection of other hot matches, is on sale until August 15th.


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