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Armond Rizzo vs Ethan Slade (MBW, 2017)

Ethan Slade dominates pint sized pretty boy Armond Rizzo in this video from Muscleboy Wrestling.

Armond is able to use his quickness to surprise Ethan with some armdrags and armbars.

Ethan quickly cuts off Armond's momentum with a clothesline and elbow drops.

Ethan wears down Armond with slams and back torture.

Ethan stretches Armond with a long torture rack.

Once Armond goes down for the count, Ethan goes down on him.

Honestly, I prefer more wrestling than sex but it's about 50/50 in this video. Nevertheless, it's still very hot and well done.


  1. Armonds videos for Muscleboy were very sexy. I bought them all!!!

    1. I must admit, I only just got this video a few weeks ago. I am intrigued to see more of Armond's videos.


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