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The Downside of NRW's Custom Videos*

On November 30th 2019, I paid for a custom wrestling video from No Rules Wrestling. As of now (March 24th), I've yet to get the video or a refund.

The producer said the video would be shot by Christmas. It wasn't. When I asked about the status about my video on January 3rd, the producer said one of the wrestlers had a transport issue.

One of my chosen wrestlers, Dave Calbrese shot other videos during this time frame. If the producer had bothered to tell me, I would have had him wrestle a different opponent.

I was proud of this video, not anymore.

I made it clear that I was only interested in Dave and didn't care who the opponent was. All I got in response was "ok".

In February, an opportunity came up for my match to be shot again. I told the producer I was interested and he asked me to send a rewritten script incorporating a new wrestler. I thought the request was strange, he could easily just look through our conversation thread, but I sent a script later that day.

A couple weeks go by and new matches featuring Dave Calbrese are released, but not my match. By now, I am absolutely livid. If the producer had contacted me, I would have told him to shoot my match then.

I made a mistake by contacting the producer while I was mad. I asked about the status of my video, he flippantly responded, "You said you wanted KCal and I told you to write it up with him and you never responded."

The arrogance and ignorance of the producer set me off. That said, I don't my response was too extreme, given the circumstances.

I said, "Look through our conversation thread. I absolutely wrote one with KCal! Honestly, I don't even care who Dave's opponent is, I just want it shot ASAP!"

He responded "If you talk to me like that again, you will never get anything from us again and you will be banned for life."

Consider what I said and his response. Was there anything I said to deserve that response? It's not like I swore or said anything overly disrespectful.
A week later the producer posted a notice on his website stating he'd stop releasing new videos until the coronavirus issue passed.

I asked about the status of my video and he didn't respond. I threatened to dispute the transaction with PayPal and he finally responded.

"You will be refunded by Monday. (March 16.) Dispute if you want and it will take weeks."

"Incidentally, you can see from the site we had Dave and Drew here (my original opponent for Dave) AND we shot your video but because of your aggression, you will never, ever, see 1 minute of it but everyone else will."

So you can he from his response, he's petty, vindictive and dishonest. He also didn't refund me by March 16, like he promised.

I tried one last time to reach a peaceful resolution. He responded "We have shut down production meaning we aren't making much money. When we do you will be refunded."

So this producer, who lives in a mansion in a wealthy area of New Jersey, apparently doesn't have enough money to refund me. He also sends a newsletter daily thanking the fans for their response to his sales.

I had no choice but to dispute this transaction with PayPal. I didn't want to, I wanted to enjoy my video and continue to support this company but he pushed me to this.

If anyone wants to talk to me about this situation or has had a similar experience, feel free to contact me privately.

Here's a useful link:

Better Business Bureau

* Text revised and expanded October 6, 2020. I eventually did get a refund on March 31. While it's tempting to purchase their bundles, I intend to never buy another NRW video again. I was a loyal customer of NRW going back to 2008 and the producer had no problem screwing me over. Just think about that.


  1. Best of luck. You deserve better. And if you do not post the video site's name, I will. ;). There is no need to hide shoddy business practices.

    1. Thanks, Klobber. My dispute is still ongoing so I will just give clues for now. Longtime fans should be able to figure it out.

    2. Sorry you had this experience. I've read and heard of many, many similar experiences people have had dealing with him. Some have never been refunded. More people need to post and name when any of these companies engage in this type of behavior.

    3. Thanks for the support. The company I am talking about is No Rules Wrestling. I encourage anyone who has proof (IE: emails) of mistreatment from NRW to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. You can use the link I've provided.

    4. " AND we shot your video but because of your aggression, you will never, ever, see 1 minute of it but everyone else will." LOL, how can he even back that up? Plus, what, he filmed your whole video, purely out of SPITE?

    5. It's crazy, he screwed me and went through the effort of shooting the video. He also cost himself money by not releasing it. Unfortunately, he's not hurting for money, contrary to what he says.

  2. I had no idea that they operated like this. As I said on Innerjobbers blog, I am almost positive that they got my video on Vimeo removed that ADVERTISED THEIR BUNDLES...... "sigh"

    1. Sorry to hear that. He has no problem targeting the gay audience and taking our money but he doesn't want our support. He also asked Jose at La Sustancia P to take down his blog posts supporting NRW.

  3. The guy at NRW has a short fuse. I had problems with a download and, in all innocence, contacted PayPal to complain about not getting a download. I now know that was the wrong thing to do, but I honestly had no idea at the time. I got a blistering email screaming at me for contacting PayPal (which evidently could have affected his relationship with them) and telling me that despite my being a frequent and generous customer (a custom match or two, several photo sets, lots of regular purchases over the years) I would be banned from NRW forever. I apologized but noted what I felt was an overreaction. For quite a while I had no problem with him, and I haven't since, but, like I said, I learned that he has a short fuse. Good luck.

    1. Hi, Dr L. I got my refund on March 31. My video hasn't been released.
      If you had a legitimate complaint and he wasn't responding, you had every right to contact PayPal. You shouldn't apologise for that.

    2. Jesus..... I was about to report on this.... but I think I'll leave this one alone....

    3. I appreciate the thought Muscle Lover.
      There's another incident I heard about where a young customer requested a download (to be discreet about his orientation) but NRW sent a DVD, outing the boy to his parents. I'm sure there's other stories like this out there.


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