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Cody Everett vs Jett Bentley (88W, 2020)

Hot fitness models Cody and Jett collide in this match from 88 Wrestling.

Cody interfered in Jett's previous match with Rex but there's no mention of that in this video. Jett calls Cody a pussy and Cody says he's got bigger arms. They decide to test their strength with an arm wrestle.

Jett takes out his frustrations on Cody, immediately slamming him and pounding his abs.

Cody is resilient and matches Jett's intensity.

Even though this match is billed as an ab bash, there's a good variety of offense here. In the end, one of these pretty boys is humbled. Is it Jett or Cody?

This video was also reviewed by Joe at Ringside at Skull Island. Joe mentions that he didn't like this match as much as Cody's debut against Rex. I would agree, but I still think it's a fine match, worth checking out if you're a fan of the guys.


  1. Hi.
    I'm really interested in this match. What kind of "variety of offense" was there? Suplexes ? bearhugs? or what ?
    Would you please post a video of the armwrestling part only ? I would really appreciate it. Thank you

    1. Hi, Tito. There are only 2 or 3 suplexes and no bear hugs. There's a lot of stretching and arm bars from as well as ab bashing. Out of respect to the producer, I try not to reveal too much at once. I may upload a video later this week.

  2. Thank you for the information. As for the video I just want to see the armwrestling part only. I don't think it will be a long video, I'm so excited about it.


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