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Thoughts on Podcasts / Podcast Drinking Games (Revised)

I've been listening to a lot of wrestling podcasts lately. 83 Weeks and Something to Wrestle are two of my favorites. To be honest, Eric is very quick to pass the buck for WCW's failures and Bruce is a Vince McMahon apologist but they're both great storytellers and Conrad Thompson is a good interviewer and host.
* I've soured on Conrad's podcasts. While I still think he's an engaging host, the amount of ads on his network are painful and there's just a disingenuous tone that runs throughout his podcasts. Conrad always seems like he's in salesman mode.

Talk is Jericho covers a wide variety of guests and subjects. Sometimes, Chris Jericho comes across as arrogant and delusional but he is an engaging host and very good interviewer.
*I agree with my sentiments here, but the more I find out about Jericho's real life, the less I want to listen to him.
The Steve Austin Show was a bit hit and miss (he's no longer active). Steve was a likeable, engaging host but he's a mediocre interviewer. Steve tends to ramble and tell the same stories over and over, but his love of pro wrestling shines through.

The Jim Cornette Experience / Drive Thru is polarizing, but I like it. Jim is very old school and non-PC, but I think he makes a lot of valid points too. No one rants like Corny.
*Yes, Cornette is too negative on modern wrestling but at least he's entertaining about it. I like the chemistry between Cornette and his co-host Brian Last. Some people say Brian is too smug but I appreciate his realness.

*I really like the Arcardian Vanguard network of podcasts Brian Last runs. All of his hosts are legitimate wrestling historians and smooth talkers. My personal favorite is Stick to Wrestling with John McAdam. John was one of the original tape traders in the early 80's and he invites guests to share general wrestling anecdotes from the 70's through to the early 2000's.

Another favorite is Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren and Barry. They don't just stick to wrestling, they talk about life, pop culture and food. Barry Rose has been a restaurant server and manager and offers his opinions on food and restaurant culture. Both guys are fine storytellers. Track down a story Barry tells about sugar free Gummy Bears, it's a classic.
Colt Cabana's podcast is called The Art of Wrestling. I find that title misleading. Colt focuses more on the personalities and travel experiences of his guests and rarely talks about actual wrestling. I think it would be more appropriate to call his podcast The Personalities of Wrestling.

I used to be a fan of Konnan on MLW Radio. Konnan rambles a bit, but he usually share his opinions on wrestling and life in an entertaining way. His latest podcast Keepin' It 100 is insufferable mainly due to co-host Disco Inferno. Disco constantly interrupts and rambles and only occasionally makes a good point.

Inside the Ropes, a podcast based out of the UK and focused on current wrestling news, is informative and entertaining. It's also nice that they tend to finish within an hour.
Just in case listening to podcasts wasn't fun enough, I've come up with some drinking games.

Take a shot whenever:
Conrad Thompson says, "According to Dave Meltzer (or the Wrestling Observer)."
Eric Bischoff rants on Dave Meltzer.
Dave Meltzer says, "Well, um or ya know" on a podcast.
Jim Cornette clears his throat.
Jim Cornette rants on Spectrum (his internet provider).
Jim Ross says "quite frankly" or imitates Jim Barnett.
Konnan takes a bong hit.

Is there any podcasts, I haven't mentioned worth checking out? Feel free to comment below. 
I wonder if there would ever be an underground wrestling podcast, I'm sure there's enough stories.


  1. um, the one with Arn Anderson and Conrad Thompson is a must

    1. Thanks, Martha. I have listened to a couple shows. Arn isn't as energetic or articulate as the others but he's a straight shooter, so I appreciate that.

    2. Hi, Martha. I've started listening to the Arn podcast regularly now. I often go to sleep listening to Arn's soft spoken Georgia drawl.

  2. I agree w you about Conrad and the arn show. I checked out awhile ago...

    1. I tried listening to a recent episode of Arn's podcast today. I couldn't make it past 10 minutes. The energy just isn't there.

      Another podcast to mention is John Arezzi's Pro Wrestling Spotlight. It's a retrospective of his old radio show which featured wrestling news and interviews from the early 90's.


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