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Where's Cody Everett?

In 2019, I called Cody Everett my favorite rookie of the year. Since then, Cody has faded from the scene, which I think is a big shame.

Clearly, Cody had natural charisma and a knack for pro wrestling.

Cody vs Dash Decker

Rex Bedford vs Cody

Cody vs Jett Bentley

If he's not coming back to 88W, maybe someone else should pick him up. I think he'd fit in well at Thunders Arena or Wrestler4Hire or Weekend Wrestling.

What do you think of Cody? Feel free to comment below.


  1. TannerHill, CodyEverett, JettBentlet are my three favorite wrestlers in 88w, but tanner and cody have both retired from underground wrestling for 2 years. There is no new wrestler who can attract the attention of the current 88w.


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