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Match of the Day 13: Hook vs Bear Bronson (AEW)

Wrestling prodigy Hook looks to notch up another victory in this match from AEW Rampage.

Featuring referee Bryce Remsberg overselling in the background.

Hook created a stir in his successful debut match and the fans have rallied behind him. 

The wrestlers start off simple, trading arm wringers until Hook sweeps Bronson's leg and applies a half crab.

Bear temporarily gets the advantage but plays to the crowd too much, allowing to Hook take him down and apply a hammerlock / armbar combination.

Bear escapes to the ropes and then stops Hook with a face rake.

Bear executes a risky looking piledriver (think Steve Austin vs Owen Hart) and then gloats to the crowd.

Hook rises up like a monster, showing no effects from the piledriver.

Hook executes a couple suplexes and then finishes Bear with a choke.

I think this was an improvement over Hook's previous match. Even though the match was short, the guys manged to tell a decent story and Hook looked impressive manhandling the bigger man.

The fans seem firmly behind Hook now. The question is, can AEW continue building his momentum?


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