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The Most Popular Posts of 2021

 1. Logan + Jonathan with Dr. Smith (Film 911)

For the third straight year this was the most popular blog post. It has a lot of the usual Film 911 tropes but perhaps it stands out because it stars two hot guys as opposed to one. 

By the way, Logan is set to return to Film 911 soon. He should have new videos out by the end of the month. 

2. Travis Maverick vs Dirty 'D' (Weekend Wrestling)

A classic pro wrestling squash led by veteran Dirty D. It would've been nice if Travis was a little more expressive but aside from that, this match was very well executed. This was my personal favorite underground match of 2021. By the way, check out the KSW Knockout Awards for 2021. Mikey gave Dirty D the bronze medal for Best Heel. 

3. Aaron with Dr. Smith part 1 (Film 911)

I suppose I should be flattered that there was so much interest in this video. It was adapted from my custom script. Aaron is a reliable actor who always delivers a good performance. Personally, I prefer the other two Aaron videos I reviewed, possibly because I didn't have any expectations from them.

4. Cameron Matthews vs Brad Rochelle (BG East)

Out of nowhere, this post started trending again mid-year. To me, this is a quintessential BG East match. Veteran babyface jobber Brad shows his dark side dominating hotshot rookie Cameron.

5. Iceman vs John Wolfboy (Weekend Wrestling)

Iceman looks so hot when he's vulnerable, no one has capitalized on this as much as Weekend Wrestling. John Wolfboy made sure Iceman was helpless from the start.

6. Screencap Recap # 73

Featuring Christian Mann vs Joe Mazzetti (BG East)

 7. Confrontations #3

Dante vs Taylor Reign (MBW)

Muscle Boy Wrestling has done a good job of consistently matching wrestlers who have erotic chemistry like Dante and Taylor Reign.

8. Ferdi dominates Aaron (Untamed Creations)

Untamed Creations cracks the top 10 for the first time. No other producer captures the action as intimately as UC. 

 9. Travis vs DJ Beckham Jr. (W4H)

DJ mugs for the camera as he stretches Travis and bashes his gut. If that scenario appeals to you, you should enjoy this match.

10. The 3rd Annual Wimpiest Jobbers

Ronnie Pearl vs Ace Owens & Johnny Jobber (W4H)

It's been a while since any Ace Owens matches were released. I hope he's not done with underground wrestling. I'd like to see Ronnie again too.


  1. The link to the Travis vs. D.J. Beckham, Jr. match actually leads to the Ferdi doms Aaron page.

    1. Oops! I just fixed the link. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It's nice to know people are using the links.


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