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Johnny enjoys escort Austyn (Film 911)

 Johnny looks to take advantage of Austyn, but Dr. Smith has other plans in this video from Film 911.


The video opens with Austyn and Johnny Ford working out.

Dr. Smith comes in and offers the guys a drink and Austyn accepts.

Plot hole: The water bottle was actually sealed!

Austyn tries to keep working out but suddenly feels tired.

Johnny encourages Austyn to take a break and Austyn sits down.

Within a minute, Austyn passes out.

Dr. Smith says Austyn is Johnny's for an hour and Johnny hands over a handful of cash.

Johnny feels up Austyn a little and then drags him to the bedroom. What does Johnny have in store for Austyn? Is Dr. Smith still a factor? If you like what you see, you'll probably enjoy this video.


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