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Lil' Luke vs Killer Kris (Wrestler4Hire)

Rookie Luke comes to train with Killer Kris but but gets more than he bargained for at Wrestler4Hire.

The video opens with Killer Kris waiting in the ring. He's getting impatient because the rookie wrestler is coming in to be trained and is running late.

"Rookie" Lil' Luke (who introduces himself as "Hunter") comes in and annoys Kris further by copying his warmup exercises.

There's some self deprecating comedy when Kris asks Luke if he's been in any fights.

"I've been in a couple of fights", says Luke.

"Have you ever been beaten up by a girl?"

"I've been in a couple of fights..."

"I'll take that as a yes."

The training starts with a lock up. Luke comes in quick and strong and is clearly not a rookie just based on that lock up.

Kris tells Luke he should tie up his hair and shows him the consequences of leaving his hair down.

Kris stands on Luke's hair and pulls on Luke's wrists for extra tension.

It seems like Kris' lesson is going to be a painful one for Luke.

But Luke knows more than he lets on. Luke manages to cradle Kris out of nowhere.

Is there any hope for Luke or does his defiance just piss off Kris even more?

Personally, I hope this isn't just one and done for Luke. I'd like to see how he'd match against other W4H wrestlers like Cameron or Nick Justice.

Match length: 28 mins, $22.95.


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