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Channing Travolta vs Garrett Thomas (W4H, 2019)

Classic babyface rookie Channing Travolta takes on the seasoned vet Garrett Thomas in this match from Wrestler4Hire.

Channing is confident in the beginning, threatening to cut off Garrett's man bun. Garrett says "Cut your own hair." Garrett has fun with Channing's hair later in the match. The match starts with classic technical wrestling with go behinds, wristlocks and armbars.

There's a good long test of strength.

After a few minutes of playing nice, Garrett loses his cool and starts torturing Channing.

Garrett's dominance comes effortlessly as Channing struggles to block out the pain.

Imagine a 3 way match between Channing, Kirk Donahue and Chad Daniels, with the guys trying to out scream each other.

Garrett's a master techincian, with an extensive repertoire to make Channing suffer. How much can Channing take?

Alex at The Cave also reviewed and enjoyed this match. It's a new school battle with old school psychology, well executed.


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