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Wrestler4Hire / Hero Hunks 2019 Awards

A few days ago Cameron emailed W4H customers about year end awards, I thought I'd just post mine here. It should come as no surprise that my W4H awards echo my year end awards.

Favorite Jobber: Ace Owens

Favorite Heel: Guido Genatto

Favorite Ring Match: Ethan Andrews & Gabe Steel vs Matty O'Boy & Zacky Darlin

Top Newcomer: Channing Travolta

Channing vs Garrett Thomas

Hottest Body: Scrappy

Favorite Big vs Small Match: Brute Baynard vs Dashing Dustin

Favorite Hero: Crimson Fury (Chace LaChance)

Sexiest Costume: Steel Man (Superman)

Steel Man vs Krypto Crunch

Hottest Hero Hunks Match: Silver Serpent vs Sidekick Scrappy


  1. I love Brute Baynard, but it's hard to out-heel Guido Genatto.

    1. I think so too. I think a Brute vs Guido match would be interesting. I also would be intrigued to see Guido vs Nick Justice.

    2. I just found a post on a site where they talk about a brief Guido vs. Brute encounter of a three-way match:


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