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Zack Johnathan vs Tanner Hill (88W, 2019)

Three years after their previous match, Zack and Tanner clash again at 88 Wrestling.

Since this is a Flex City match, the video starts with the guys flexing.

 After a minute of posing, the action begins. Zack takes control at first.

Tanner uses his massive thighs to crush Zack's gut but Zack retaliates with scissors of his own.

It turns into a game of one-upsmanship. Who has the final bragging rights, Zack or Tanner?

It's hard to do justice to this video with just 6 photos but I think this match is superior to their Rock Hard match from an action standpoint. 

Tanner hasn't just grown physically, he's more confident as a wrestler and a performer. Zack brought more intensity to this match than the RHW video as well. That said, the Rock Hard match has plenty of good moments and is worth checking out if you're a fan of the guys.

One thing that the RHW match has in it's favor is the editing. I thought there was better use of the two camera setup in that video. In this match and most 88W videos, I find there's an over reliance on tight shots. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have a close up view of the action but sometimes a wide angle is the better angle.

Proceeds from this video go to Zack's recovery fund.


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