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Travis Storm vs Chris Cox (RHW, 2011)

Blond beauty Travis Storm faces lanky stud Chris in this video from Rock Hard Wrestling.


In a slight twist to the familiar trope, the video begins with Travis Storm lifting dumbbells, then he stops to pose in the mirror.

Chris is waiting in the corner wearing a leather jacket and shades.

Travis comes in and starts off with a lot of energy. Several gut shots have Chris doubled over in pain.

Chris manages to stop Travis and takes some gut shots of his own.

Chris tortures Travis with 2 long Camel Clutches and a Full Nelson. Do Chris' skills trump Travis' muscles?

Honestly, this isn't a classic match but there are some great moments and if you like the guys it's worth checking out. 

All of the Rock Hard videos from Catalog 6 to 8 have been re-released in 1080p HD. If you missed out on RHW during this era, now's a good time to catch up. The difference in video quality is definitely noticeable.


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