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Aaron Mark vs Muscle Beast (Wrestlingmale)

Aaron Mark helps Muscle Beast work out but is then pushed into a wrestling match in this video from Wrestlingmale.

Wrestlingmale is a underground wrestling group based out of France, run by experienced underground wrestler Etienne Erik of BGEast, UCW and Spotland Scrappers. The full title of this video is XTREME shot @theringprivate7.

Aaron Mark sits on Muscle Beast's shoulders as he does squats.

The video begins with Aaron and Muscle Beast working out. Even though the wrestlers are European, they speak English. The Beast asks to use Aaron's body as a weight for squats, bench press and curls. 


Aaron tries to leave but Beast forces Aaron into a ring and they start to wrestle. Muscle Beast clearly has the strength advantage and overpowers Aaron.

Aaron's able to break a bearhug with a front facelock.

To be honest, the action is a bit tentative in the first half of the video.

Muscle Beast finally gains the advantage with an armbar, camel clutch and half-crab.

Towards the end, Aaron looks to be in big trouble. Can the blond beauty upset the Muscle Beast?

This match started slow but built to a satisfying finish. The video was well shot and included slow motion replays throughout the video, an interesting stylistic touch. 

One issue for me is the lighting. The two spotlights work well for most of the time but there are dim shots at certain angles. Perhaps this was a limitation of the venue or maybe just a stylistic choice. Aside from that, I enjoyed the video. Joe at Ringside at Skull Island also reviewed and enjoyed this video.


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