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Travis vs DJ Beckham Jr : Gut Punch (W4H, 2020)

 Cocky jock Travis (Maverick) gets taught a lesson by DJ in this video from Wrestler4Hire.

The tension between the two wrestlers is obvious from the start. DJ promises to teach Travis "the lesson of his life."

Travis responds, "What can you teach me? How to drop out of high school?"

DJ drives Travis into the corner and claws his abs.


DJ maintains the pressure, never letting Travis fight back for long.

 Within a few minutes, it's clear Travis' ripped abs are the target.

Most of the last half of the match has Travis trapped in the corner as DJ pounds at his abs. While this part of the match was mostly well done, it did get a bit repetitive for me personally.

Usually, I leave more of a gap between posts on the same wrestler but I thought it would be interesting to compare the Wrestler4Hire video to the Weekend Wrestling video.

Both companies presented Travis almost the same way. I liked that WW gave Travis knee pads and wrist tape, so I'd give them the nod. W4H has better lighting and sharper video but the Weekend Wrestling video featured a more well rounded wrestling match.

If you're a fan of Travis, you'll likely enjoy both videos.


  1. Replies
    1. He certainly is. It's no wonder he's taken the underground wrestling world by storm.


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