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Big Bearhugs #9 + Boots #11a

Dashing Dustin vs Brute Baynard (W4H)

Aaron Perez vs Sean Maygers (MBW)

Lucas Payne vs Jake Jenkins (RHW)

Christian Mann vs Joe Mazetti (BG East)

Dash Decker vs Cody Everett (88W)

Travis Maverick vs Dirty D (Weekend Wrestling)


  1. I see the Bearhugs == thanks for these! (esp. Joe Mazetti's wiiiiide back). But from the title, I was expecting more boots. Where are the boots? Gimme more boots!

    1. Thanks. What I meant by the title "Boots 11a" was that I gave you the answers to my previous post.

      I hope to have plenty of content to come.


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