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Eli Black vs Axel: Jobbers Wear Pink (UCW, 2020)

Cocky MMA fighter Eli gets crushed by Axel in this video from UCW.

The video begins with a monologue from Eli. He talks about how he's pissed off at Axel for trying to bring some rules to UCW.

"I don't play by anybody's fuckin' rules," says Eli.

Eli finishes by saying, "I am the best and nobody fuckin' beats me."

Eli's able to avoid a kick in the balls but is doubled over with a low punch. Axel takes Eli down and punishes him with a long camel clutch.

Just a couple minutes in and Eli's dazed and defenseless.

Eli can only whimper and cry out in pain as Axel relentlessly stretches and pummels him.

The outcome should come as no surprise given the title of this video, but it was an enjoyable match, executed well.


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