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Kirk Donahue vs Guido Genatto (BG East, 2014)

 Earnest babyface Kirk gets demolished in debut match vs. Guido.

Guido is waiting in the ring as Kirk bounces in full of confidence.

Kirk says he's here to wrestle but Guido says, "You're here to get fucked." A swift boot to the gut doubles Kirk over. Guido snaps Kirk to the mat and quickly locks in an armbar. Kirk wants Guido to "let go", so Guido transitions into a long grinding headlock.

Kirk eventually taps out but his pain has just begun. Guido nearly scores a pin following a suplex, but Kirk foolishly rolls his shoulder.

Just three minutes in and Kirk's helpless. Kirk crawls to a corner but Guido stands on his throat.

After a long choke on the ropes, Guido snatches Kirk in a Full Nelson.

Suddenly, Guido turns the nelson into a suplex and dumps Kirk hard on the back of his neck and shoulders.

At this point, Kirk's done but there's still another 23 minutes of punishment ahead.

Nasty heel Guido vs. vulnerable babyface Kirk proves to be a winning combination. As far as squash matches go, this one is a classic. 

Joe, fellow blogger at Ringside At Skull Island, also enjoyed this match. He called Guido an "artist of destruction."

This match is one of the "staff favorites" for June 2022 at the BGEastArena and is streaming at a reduced price. Well worth catching up on or revisiting.


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