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Red Redemption vs JC Extreme (UKWH)

 Red Redemption is in over his head in his debut match for UKWrestlingHub.

This capture is from my second and preferred edit.

The original video

WR's edit v.1

Red is in the ring stretching when JC enters. After a little back and forth trash talk, JC offers Red a couple free shots, but they turn out to be ineffectual.

JC doubles over Red with a knee to the gut and then rams Red's head into a turnbuckle.

JC slams Red and then stands on his throat. JC asks Red if he regrets stepping in the ring, but Red is defiant.

JC tortures Red with a long headscissors and then adds a claw for more pain.

JC offers Red one more chance to leave, but Red wants some more. Is it a decision Red will live to regret?

This video is only 10 minutes but it's sold at half the price of a normal match, so it was definitely worth it to me. I liked the idea of seeing Red squashed and JC did a good job of dishing out the punishment. I also thought Red looked particularly cute in this gear.


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