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Tanner Hill vs Bruce Ballard (RHW, 2015)

Hot muscleboy Tanner suffers one of his most convincing defeats at the hands of Bruce in this match from Rock Hard Wrestling.

Lean and ripped Tanner is stretching in the ring when Bruce walks in. When Tanner takes off his jacket, Bruce is impressed by his physique and measures his bicep.

Tanner measures Bruce's bicep and scoffs that he's still stronger, even though Bruce has an inch on him. Bruce challenges Tanner to an arm wrestling match and wins.

Tanner says he got lucky so Bruce shows off his strength by easily lifting Tanner and slamming him.

Tanner's body looks amazing as Bruce stretches him out.

Tanner has a couple flurries of offense.

But for most of the match he's just a toy for Bruce to play with.

This is no ordinary squash match, Bruce brings enthusiasm and cocky charm to complement his skills and Tanner remains defiant till the end.


  1. It seems that Bruce was dominating the match. Could you please do a compilation of Alex Waters ? he is a very talented wrestler and one of my favorites.

  2. I forgot to say that a compilation video of this match would be highly appreciated. I liked Bruce he seems to be a tough & strong wrestler.

    1. Ok, I will make a video from this match. Alex may have to wait for a little while as if have other posts lined up. Thanks for taking an interest in the blog.

    2. That's good. Please include the Arm wrestling and biceps measurement in the video. We'll be waiting for Alex's video as well. Thank you.

  3. Alex once said in one of his matches that the suplex is one of his favorites, so i think you'll find plenty of them in his matches as well as bearhugs.


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