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Danny with Dr. Smith part 5: A Deeper Analysis*

Hot model Danny falls victim to Dr. Smith in this video from Film 911.

This was a custom video written by me, it's no coincidence that there are many similarities to "Jonathan with Dr. Smith part 1".

The road to get this video produced was a little frustrating. Initially, I wanted to shoot the video with Derek. If you look at the Film 911 site, you'll see I used Derek's name, so clearly this was intended for him.

I paid for the shoot and three weeks later still hadn't heard anything. I asked about the status of the shoot and Dr. Smith told me Derek wasn't available. He suggested I shoot my script with Chase, another Film 911 model, but I wasn't interested. A couple days later, he suggested Danny and I agreed. From payment to production it took about 2 months, as opposed to a couple weeks like Dr. Smith initially stated.

Danny is sleeping on the couch when Dr. Smith comes in and notices a bulge in his pants pocket. An enraged Dr. Smith sees it's his Xanax prescription and strangles Danny until he passes out. If you look at the Film 911 site, you'll see I that I asked for a full shot of Danny but only got a 3/4 shot instead. Aside from that, I was happy with this first part.

Dr. Smith drags the unconscious Danny to the bedroom, strips him to his undies and worships his body. I let Dr. Smith improvise on the body worship part, he knows what he's doing there.

Dr. Smith still wants to punish Danny for stealing his pills so he straps him down for electro torture.

Danny pleads with Dr Smith to stop but he doesn't care.

I would've preferred a lighter color for Danny's undies but at least we get a nice bulge outline.

The stress was too much for Danny and he stopped breathing. Fortunately for him, Dr. Smith didn't really want to kill him.

This shot below is nice but did it really need to be this wide? It's not like I'm interested in Dr. Smith's decorating.

Maybe I didn't articulate the ending well enough. I wanted it to be more ambiguous. Did Dr. Smith really torture Danny or was it a drug induced dream?

All in all, I was happy with how the video turned out. The performances were good and the shots were mostly what I was looking for. I did say at the bottom of the script that Dr. Smith could make changes, although I feel like some of the changes were unnecessary and more of a power play.

* Text updated on July 19, 2020.


  1. Do you know the full name of Danny?

    1. I will tell you cryptically. I will give you the letters by number on the alphabet, IE: A = 1.

      20, 25, 12, 5, 18 18, 5, 3, 8, 5, 18


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