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New Boys 2: Ferdi vs Daniel (UC, 2013)

Lean, young boys Ferdi and Daniel have an energetic, competitive match for Untamed Creations.

Daniel and Ferdi are talking about their workout routines when the video begins. Ferdi thinks he's stronger than Daniel so they have an arm wrestle to settle it.

Daniel wins, but Ferdi doesn't accept the loss and attacks Daniel. After a low blow Ferdi leaves Daniel reeling, Ferdi says he'll see Daniel on the mat in 5 minutes.

Both guys have changed to square cuts, Daniel is wearing socks. Daniel gets an early submission with a headlock.

Ferdi comes back with a guillotine choke and Daniel submits.

The match goes back and forth a while with neither wrestler in control for long.

Around the 30 minute mark Daniel starts to fatigue and Ferdi takes advantage.

When Daniel's defenseless, Ferdi hogties him in a final act of humiliation.

Running 47 minutes, this was a long match but the boys kept up a good pace and variety with their moves. Both guys were great, but a special kudos goes to Daniel for being the best seller out of all the Untamed boys I've seen so far.


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