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Photo of the Day / Is My Blog Offensive?

Ty Alexander vs Guido Genatto in Demolition 19 from BG East

On the eve of my blogs 2nd anniversary, I've been reflecting on the fact that there's still people within the underground wrestling community who don't like my blog. This might come across as an arrogant statement but I don't understand how anyone who's an underground wrestling fan wouldn't appreciate my blog.

I've uploaded over 5900 photos and covered over 160 matches. Just reflect on that for a moment.

I must admit, I'm not always inspired when I write my text. I find it much easier to pick my photos than writing. That said, my format isn't much different to Beefcakes of Wrestling and everyone seems to love that blog.

I've made no secret that Guido Genatto is a favorite of mine. He's a wrestler that's maligned by some. I know Ty Alexander hates his match with Guido. I'm not sure why. Yes, Guido was snug and humiliated Ty, but he does that with most opponents. If anyone wants to tell me why Guido is such a bad guy, feel free to contact me privately. Cason is another favorite of mine that gets some hate. Again, feel free to contact me if you have a reason why.

If anyone has other issues with my blog or wants me to remove any posts or photos, feel free to contact me publicly or privately.

I don't have a lot of joy in my real life, so I take a lot of comfort and pleasure in covering the fantasy world of wrestling. It's no substitute for real life, but it's better than no life at all.


  1. I've been a fan of your blog since its inception. From my perspective of Cason, I didn't care for him because he just showed up out of nowhere and was top billing for Thunders Arena, he didn't earn it like other wrestlers. 9/10 matches he was in, Cason was scripted to win which made matches boring. He's not ugly, but he just didn't work to get that status he was given.

    1. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I prefer Cason as a jobber, so if it were up to me, he'd lose all his matches.

  2. I, as well as many others, LOVE your blog!! You're never going to please everybody, and there are indeed those out there who are never happy unless they're miserable and complaining about something. Keep up the great work and I also hope that your personal life blossoms a bit!! We all need personal fulfillment - which is going to inspire you all the more! Best Wishes!!

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement, I'm glad you enjoy the blog. To be honest, the negativity I was alluding more passive-aggressive in nature. All the best to you, too. here's to personal fulfillment for all.

  3. I always look forward to checking your new post and enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing hot pictures.

    1. Thanks, Tets. I love your blog too. Your blog helped inspire me to start blogging.

  4. On the Ty/Guido match, I posted publicly on my issue with it (and in response to my review, BGE changed the product). The action was good but Guido used some language that I didn’t appreciate. Ty may have other reasons for not liking the match but that’s why I didn’t like it. I’ve reviewed plenty of Guido matches since then and he’s been great.

    1. I've just checked out your post on the match. I must have the edited version as I didn't hear anything overly offensive.
      I can see Guido showed more distain for Ty than other opponents, so perhaps there was some underlying issue between them.


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