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The 550th Post: Break Time!

Firstly, I want to apologize to anyone who felt disappointed on my views and coverage of Guido vs Ty. I've gone back and deleted all of Guido's quotes. It's a volatile time now and I should've been more considerate to Ty, my audience and what's happening in the world before uploading my posts.

When I was growing up, people said the f.. word freely, so perhaps I have a thicker skin than people nowadays. There may also be a bit of internal baggage and shame on my part. I guess you could say I'm still wrestling with my sexuality.

I have been feeling a bit burnt out lately. I feel like I'm too caught up in the fantasy world of underground wrestling and social media and disconnected from society. Conversely, the aggravation and depression in my real life is affecting my blog. Now that I've hit this milestone, I figured it would be a perfect time for a break. I'll aim for a couple weeks but it could be less or more.

Here's a look at my favorite posts from the blog over the years. It's tough to single posts out, but these are the one's that stand out at the moment.

Favorite Wrestling Post of 2018:

Favorite Non-Wrestling Post of 2018:

Jonathan with Dr. Smith part 1 (Film 911)

This was a dark fantasy, but it's just a fantasy. If I saw Jonathan in real life, I'd want to hold him and tell him how beautiful he is.

Favorite Wrestling Post of 2019:

Favorite Non-Wrestling Post of 2019:

Favorite Wrestling Post of 2020

Favorite Non-Wrestling Post of 2020:

Favorite Movie Posts:


  1. Good luck, and take care of yourself! I personally find that the internet is not my favorite thing, and limiting my experience with it does wonders for my mental health. :) That said, thanks for the hot images!

    1. Thanks for your support. I already have some ideas for a comeback, but I'll try not to rush it. Thank you for all the videos you upload!


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