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Ace Owens vs Ronnie Pearl (W4H, 2018)

 Two seasoned Indy pros do battle in this match from Wrestler4Hire.

The match begins with some classic pro wrestling. Both guys go hold for hold in the opening minutes.

Ace missed a dropkick, giving Ronnie an opening to take advantage with an impressive delayed vertical suplex.

Ronnie locked a sleeper on the weakened Ace and he slowly faded into unconsciousness.

Ronnie wasn't satisfied and wanted to punish Ace some more so he had the referee wake him up. After a couple minutes of action, Ronnie locked Ace in nasty looking submission hold, stretching Ace in four directions. Ace refused to give up, but the pain was too much and he passed out again.

Ace was well and truly beaten, but sadistic heel Ronnie still continued to punish Ace for a few more minutes.

If you like seeing Ace take a beating, you'll love this match. For my taste, Ace never looked better and both guys played their parts well.

Ace took such a beating it wouldn't have surprised me to see him stretchered out. Maybe that's an angle to consider for future reference. Joe from Ringside at Skull Island also enjoyed this match. You can see his review here.


  1. Fantastic screen grabs! I like the 9th one in particular - that hand hovering over the golden crotch.

    1. Thanks Joe, your blog has been a big inspiration for me.


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