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Patrick Donovan vs Vinny Trevino (BGE, 2002)

Lean babyface Patrick has his abs destroyed in this match from BG East.

Patrick offers Vinny a handshake and wishes him good luck. Vinny accepts and then kicks Patrick in the gut.

For over 30 minutes, Vinny attacks Patrick's gut with a variety of moves.

Even outside the ring, Patrick isn't safe.

Vinny grabs an ice cube from his drink, rubs it across Patrick's chest and then drops it in Patrick's trunks.

Patrick is totally defeated and humiliated. Fans of gut bashing should enjoy this match.

While I was preparing this review, I realized BG East is having a sale on select DVD's, VOD's and OTA's. Since I am a Jonny Firestorm fan, my pick is the The 3 Stages of Jonny. The three matches are from different stages of Jonny's career, hence the title.


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