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Cameron vs Johnny Jobber (W4H, 2017)

This match was released by Wrestler4Hire in 2017. Johnny is in the ring thinking Cameron wants him to model the gear he's been given. He's shocked to find out Cameron actually wants to wrestle him. Cameron gets off to a quick start with a slam, punches and a headscissor in the corner.

Cameron targets Johnny's soft belly and works it over throughout the match.

The genius of Cameron lies in his inventive offense, adding his own spin to classic moves.

Cameron knows he can put Johnny away anytime he wants and revels in his domination.

Cameron decides falls count anywhere and takes the action throughout the backyard.

Johnny Jobber lives up to his name in this match, it is a complete squash.

This is an excellent squash match. Johnny's expressive face and pasty, pudgy body make him an ideal jobber. Cameron is a master technician and shows the full range of his skills and charisma. You can find the match here. If you're not a member signing up is free.


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