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Ultimate Warrior promo transcript and video: Royal Rumble 1991*

This promo was to hype The Ultimate Warrior's upcoming match with Sgt. Slaughter. Warrior is more coherent than usual here but his off-beat delivery is always memorable. Mean Gene is great too, almost always maintaining professionalism no matter how outrageous the interview is.

Mean Gene Okerlund: "Alright, Ultimate er..Warrior, you heard the comments from Sgt. Slaughter. He talked about orders, who is going to be giving the orders in the ring in tonight's match-up?"

Ultimate Warrior: (Shouting) "The orders you give Sgt Slaughter, ONLY FALL UPON DEAF EARS! For I, Sgt. Slaughter, give no orders I only take them. NOT FROM YOU SGT. SLAUGHTER but only from the Warriors that ride upon my baaack!" (Warrior snorts and exhales)

MG: "Alright, Sgt. Slaughter alluded to turmoil, what about the turmoil that this man allegedly causes?'

UW: The turmoil you have created is nothing but a grain of sand in a desert. A desert where a foxhole will be created that will lead you down to defeeeeat." (Warrior snorts and exhales again)

MG: "You know Ultimate Warrior, Sgt Slaughter talked about leadership. That indeed if he were to become the World Wrestling Federation Champion, (Gene continues disingenuously) he would be a leader that people could look up to, they would be proud of. He would be a leader that they could respect. Just exactly what kind of a leader do you think Sgt Slaughter would be?"

UW: (Warrior speaks in a low monotone) "My Warriors would never, could never lower themselves to look up to a person like you. (Warrior gradually raises his voice) The only ones who follow you are those that are demented. I walk into this battle as the ultimate champion (Warrior whispers dramatically) I walk a-way (then shouts) as the ultimate VICTORRRR!"

The Warrior was really pumped up. Sgt Slaughter must've been in big trouble, right?

*This match took place 30 years ago today. How time flies.


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