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The Ultimate Warrior vs Sgt. Slaughter: Part 1 (1991)

Earlier that night Sensational Queen Sherri came out to do an interview with Mean Gene Okerlund. She said she had a commitment from Sgt. Slaughter that if he won the WWF Title, Macho King Randy Savage would get a title shot. She was looking for the same commitment from The Ultimate Warrior. Sherri questioned Warrior's guts and talked trash about him until he came out.

When the Warrior arrived, she asked several times "What's it going to be?" but he refused to answer.
Sherri changed tactics and tried to seduce the Warrior into saying yes by complimenting his looks and character. The Warrior still wouldn't answer so she kissed him in the hopes of changing his mind. Warrior teased saying yes.

Before screaming an emphatic "NOOOOOOO!"

Randy Savage was watching from a backstage monitor and got seriously pissed when The Warrior said no. Clearly this issue wasn't over.

Fast forward to the match. Sgt. Slaughter and Gen. Adnan try to clothesline The Warrior with an Iraqi flag as The Warrior entered the ring. Warrior ducked and hit them with a double clothesline. The Warrior sent both of them outside the ring and then ripped the flag in half to a huge cheer. It should be noted that The Gulf War was happening at this time so this was super cheap heat.

Gen. Adnan fled to the dressing room, while the Warrior continued to beat up Slaughter in the ring. For the next two minutes, Warrior totally dominated Slaughter by stuffing the flag down his throat, choking him with it and his usual offense of buckle whips and clotheslines.

Suddenly, Queen Sherri came to ringside and distracted the Warrior by grabbing his ankle as he came near. The Warrior went out to chase Sherri away when he was ambushed by Randy Savage. After throwing Warrior into a steel barricade, Savage whacked Warrior in the back with a floodlight. Sgt. Slaughter had referee Earl Hebner distracted while this was happening.

Suddenly, it's the Warrior who's in deep trouble. His back is so injured he can't even stand.

 On commentary Gorilla Monsoon asks Roddy Piper, "How is he ever going to get back in the ring?" You'll have to tune in next time to find out.


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